Я всё прошол в новой версии но у меня кое что случилось я не могу не кого поставить на чёртово кольцо тупо там нето девушек что бы поставить и момент в котором говоришь и отправляешь хану туда исчезло
Its really good, only thing I would say is get a proof reader as a lot of the English either has spelling mistakes, is broken or just doesn't sound right.
Jesus Christ, the moral grandstanding in the comments is both hilarious and nauseating at the same time. Anyway, what future tags are you planning? Harem? ntr/sharing? Pregnancy? futa/trans? femdom? What do you want to do?
AI art is ugly and distracting. It's also well understood to be unethical to make money with, especially in a community dominated by artists. It's especially insulting considering the artist seems to be talented despite taking shortcuts.
I guess people better do away with computers, cars , tools in general, makeup , just about everything. computers make take work from people, when there are people out there who could make money off of sorting files, making calculations, making art in general.
cars take away work from people and horses even , heck actually do away with horses also since there's always some dude you could probably pay to carry you to work.
let use logic when making an argument. computers also provide shortcuts in work. so do cars and ect.
ai art generation is just another tool like all tools men create, it takes away tasks from others. but that is what happens in progress and evolution. some things get phased out. and in general, the term starving artist has been around for centuries. art is just a bad area to hope to actually make a living.
Your point is not as good as you think it is. There is actually a strong point to be made about the downsides of cars and the automotive industry, such as pollution, creating a car dependent infrastructure, and the automotive industry's lobbying that has destroyed public transportation. There are also industries where that are bolstered by the use of automotive vehicles. Horses are not concerned with keeping their jobs.
As for tools, this is utterly ridiculous as well. First off, tools are an extension of ones body, allowing them to expand their craft. Not to mention there are people who need to make the tools. And if you are referring to machines that automate processes in manufacturing, then yes, there is also a case to be made that it is harmful to the human beings that lose their jobs. makeup? not sure what you mean there. Computers again are tools, They're not just magic work replacing machines. It takes years of learning to become adept in coding, digital art, cad, and so on.
No, AI art is another thing entirely. Unlike manufacturing, transportation, and trade; art does not exist for the same reason these things do. Art is what makes up the culture of our society. When you look at a piece of art, you are aware that a human being made it, and they put a piece of themselves into it. AI art does not do that, it takes stolen assets from artist who are far more talented than a hack like Yourself and makes an ugly hodgepodge based on a text prompt. It enables lazy cocksnot to impede on one of the last bastions of our culture that hasn't been taken over by the laziest money grabbing people imaginable. I'm sorry if it offends you that myself and many others want are that was made by actual human beings. I'm sure you will take none of this into consideration, seeing as how your already committed to taking obvious shortcuts. Whatever, your ugly project and attitude speak for themselves, and there are plenty of other artists willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears to create work that speaks for itself. Not to mention AI art generation requires an ungodly amount of processing power to work.
You live in a dying culture that values infinite commodity consumption at whatever cost. why get your shoes fixed when you could just get new ones for a little more? I dunno, maybe because its made with ultra cheap exploitative labor and it will inevitably become trash that poisons the earth with micro plastics and chemicals. Just because something is new and convenient does not mean that it is a better choice. I do not want to live in a humanity that forsakes it own creativity and beauty because its easier to type in a prompt. I thing you could agree that a culture completely of AI art would be hideous and boring.
Perhaps it's only me, but it gave me such an ick that to progress you had to basically drug and fk Roxy...I don't do non-consensual stuff, and even CNC is a bit much, but that at least starts with consent. You should give some consideration to either removing that bit entirely or at least altering it so it falls more into the CNC realm and not just overt rape.
I actually really like this game allot and love how the art style is like the images you get behind lo-fi videos, only constructive criticism I'd give is you could find a way to make the pussies look more symmetrical and realistic
Yes, unfortunately to do 2d game, you need drawing skills, which I do not have, and to do 3d is not possible because of a relatively weak PC, but thanks to the support of all the guys who bought the game and subscribed to the patreon I have the opportunity to take a powerful PC, the next game will be 3d, but I want to make it as extraordinary and colorful as this one, let's see what I get. And in fact to make a game with AI is even harder than 3d, because all the joints with artwork and so on, you have to manually fix in photoshop.
I'm saying that 3d art is easier to make than generating a picture and then still processing it. If you mean drawing, then of course it is more complicated than 3d and generating art. But at the same time there are more possibilities.
They didn't criticize one way or the other, they only corrected you.
That being said though, you don't need to be a chef to say that the food you were served is good or bad. The same is true for everything, art, movies, games, writing, etc.
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Будет ли дальше развиваться игра? Когда ждать следующего обновления? И когда версия 0.4 станет бесплатной?
Just letting you know at least on the itch app the only version able to be downloaded is your patreon version which doesnt work.
La versión 0.4 estará gratuita en algún momento ???
Is the game animated?
the itch.io software runs into issues with the file download
Я всё прошол в новой версии но у меня кое что случилось я не могу не кого поставить на чёртово кольцо тупо там нето девушек что бы поставить и момент в котором говоришь и отправляешь хану туда исчезло
Charging $5 for a game built on AI is weird as hell lol
if I pay in patreon 5$,сan I insta download the game?
Will this ever be on Steam, or no?
What day will the update be finished we are waiting
Its really good, only thing I would say is get a proof reader as a lot of the English either has spelling mistakes, is broken or just doesn't sound right.
i haven't seen nothing in the mission go to the park ( day) ( MIA) can y"all help me do this mission
Hi. I like the game. The art is amazing.
If you'd like help with proofreading, hit me up.
I've done all the work already, I just need to give it to you.
I'm at The F95zone also. I do this work free of charge.
Jesus Christ, the moral grandstanding in the comments is both hilarious and nauseating at the same time. Anyway, what future tags are you planning? Harem? ntr/sharing? Pregnancy? futa/trans? femdom? What do you want to do?
AI slop,,, those images are lifeless
Quando sairá a versão 0.3 gratuitamente?
Hey, if you're going to add witchcraft, could you add breast expansion?
Ai is cringe
me too, Mia have still in the house everyday, she not another location
Click the cat
The AI-generated arts easy to cause aesthetic fatigue.
AI generated backgrounds and grammar worse than a child's.
what about it being ai is a problem?
AI art is ugly and distracting. It's also well understood to be unethical to make money with, especially in a community dominated by artists. It's especially insulting considering the artist seems to be talented despite taking shortcuts.
I guess people better do away with computers, cars , tools in general, makeup , just about everything. computers make take work from people, when there are people out there who could make money off of sorting files, making calculations, making art in general.
cars take away work from people and horses even , heck actually do away with horses also since there's always some dude you could probably pay to carry you to work.
let use logic when making an argument. computers also provide shortcuts in work. so do cars and ect.
ai art generation is just another tool like all tools men create, it takes away tasks from others. but that is what happens in progress and evolution. some things get phased out. and in general, the term starving artist has been around for centuries. art is just a bad area to hope to actually make a living.
Your point is not as good as you think it is. There is actually a strong point to be made about the downsides of cars and the automotive industry, such as pollution, creating a car dependent infrastructure, and the automotive industry's lobbying that has destroyed public transportation. There are also industries where that are bolstered by the use of automotive vehicles. Horses are not concerned with keeping their jobs.
As for tools, this is utterly ridiculous as well. First off, tools are an extension of ones body, allowing them to expand their craft. Not to mention there are people who need to make the tools. And if you are referring to machines that automate processes in manufacturing, then yes, there is also a case to be made that it is harmful to the human beings that lose their jobs. makeup? not sure what you mean there. Computers again are tools, They're not just magic work replacing machines. It takes years of learning to become adept in coding, digital art, cad, and so on.
No, AI art is another thing entirely. Unlike manufacturing, transportation, and trade; art does not exist for the same reason these things do. Art is what makes up the culture of our society. When you look at a piece of art, you are aware that a human being made it, and they put a piece of themselves into it. AI art does not do that, it takes stolen assets from artist who are far more talented than a hack like Yourself and makes an ugly hodgepodge based on a text prompt. It enables lazy cocksnot to impede on one of the last bastions of our culture that hasn't been taken over by the laziest money grabbing people imaginable. I'm sorry if it offends you that myself and many others want are that was made by actual human beings. I'm sure you will take none of this into consideration, seeing as how your already committed to taking obvious shortcuts. Whatever, your ugly project and attitude speak for themselves, and there are plenty of other artists willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears to create work that speaks for itself. Not to mention AI art generation requires an ungodly amount of processing power to work.
You live in a dying culture that values infinite commodity consumption at whatever cost. why get your shoes fixed when you could just get new ones for a little more? I dunno, maybe because its made with ultra cheap exploitative labor and it will inevitably become trash that poisons the earth with micro plastics and chemicals. Just because something is new and convenient does not mean that it is a better choice. I do not want to live in a humanity that forsakes it own creativity and beauty because its easier to type in a prompt. I thing you could agree that a culture completely of AI art would be hideous and boring.
Können Sie deutschen Text hinzufügen???
I love milfs, but I'm really not into incest. Would it be possible to add an option where Mia isn't related to you?
that would barely change anything xD
It would help making sexual interactions with her not feel icky.
when is the next update?
Soon, in the translation stage
What day will the update be finished we are waiting
What day will the update be finished we are waiting
bracie kiedy aktualizacja?
In process.
Когда выйдет следующее обновление?
In process, I'm working on it, would like to make it bigger and more interesting. Bear with me.
Cuánto van a actualizar los palos dispositivos Android
Perhaps it's only me, but it gave me such an ick that to progress you had to basically drug and fk Roxy...I don't do non-consensual stuff, and even CNC is a bit much, but that at least starts with consent. You should give some consideration to either removing that bit entirely or at least altering it so it falls more into the CNC realm and not just overt rape.
You can choose not to make that choice, and continue the game.
I did not have a way forward at that point. So maybe I need to update?
Regardless, my comments on the ability to rape still stands.
Since version 0.25, there is an option to choose. When in Roxy's room you can change your mind.
Gotcha! I must have had an older version then, thanks for clearing that up
are you going to release it on iPad and iPhone?
When I talk to AVA, at the end of the conversation the game gets problem and I can’t play anymore. PLease, fix this
Hello, please send me an error or a moment when it hangs in discord (screenshot).
I was able to solve it here. Thanks for the support
I actually really like this game allot and love how the art style is like the images you get behind lo-fi videos, only constructive criticism I'd give is you could find a way to make the pussies look more symmetrical and realistic
Can't wait to play the completed game
just out of curiosity, is this made with AI art? it's hard to tell sometimes
Yes, unfortunately to do 2d game, you need drawing skills, which I do not have, and to do 3d is not possible because of a relatively weak PC, but thanks to the support of all the guys who bought the game and subscribed to the patreon I have the opportunity to take a powerful PC, the next game will be 3d, but I want to make it as extraordinary and colorful as this one, let's see what I get. And in fact to make a game with AI is even harder than 3d, because all the joints with artwork and so on, you have to manually fix in photoshop.
just checking
Explaining yourself is fine, but don't start saying ai is harder than actually making something; that's simply not how that works
I'm saying that 3d art is easier to make than generating a picture and then still processing it. If you mean drawing, then of course it is more complicated than 3d and generating art. But at the same time there are more possibilities.
I do hope you can get that new computer and start making 3d art, I may check out your stuff then at least
Please dont make 3D games. They always look so... ugly
If you do not have the skill, then maybe this is not for you.
Will this be a free game forever or will it become a pay to play?
You'll be able to play the new update for free 2 weeks from the release date. (Oct 3)
what time is the new upd coming out?
The 0.25 update will become free on October 3.
The download on the itch app isn't working, any fix in progress?
I have no idea. With a normal download everything opens and works.
When will the translation into Spanish come?
First we want to make the game at least 50%, after that translate the game into other languages including Spanish.
I hope for more updates, you are a great artist
Most of this pics made by AI
When you can make a game like this, you criticize the methods of others.
this is a visual novel this is literally as easy as downloading renpy and putting in any random story
They didn't criticize one way or the other, they only corrected you.
That being said though, you don't need to be a chef to say that the food you were served is good or bad. The same is true for everything, art, movies, games, writing, etc.